Monday 12 March 2012

That awkward moment when you add up the real costs

We haven't actually sat down to work out a projected budget. We're sort of just winging it, and paying as we go.
It has been ok until now, however I sat down last night and worked out our expenses combined from our Engagement party all the way through to the reception in Perth.
It wasn't pretty.
Somehow, we've imaginarily spent close to $17,000. And thats without being OTT about most things. Or including things like Hen's and Bucks Nights, or gifts for attendants, or thankyou gifts for the guests...
In our defence, we have paid in full for our engagement party, as well as my dress, jewellery and veil.
I'm also doing a little relief teaching, and the pay from that is going towards our honeymoon accomodation.
I've got to get back to the drawing board as to how to scale back the costs associated with the reception. Something casual upon our return to Australia has come to almost $6,000. Just for food, alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks, cake, and the hire of chairs and tables.
Way back to the drawing board!


  1. Considering all in all you're doing pretty good. I just looked up what the average couple in Washington spends on their wedding : between $21,101 and $35,169.
    My jaw hit the floor.

  2. It makes my budget of really low look crazy, well at least we haven't set out an actual number yet. I hope to find a venue for the ceremony that is near or at the same place as the reception. Got some places in mind, might have to get a tent though (as it will be winter).

    Good luck with sorting out the change in price!
